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Professional Photo Masking Services For Perfect Photos

Level up your Product Photography with Hair & Image Masking Services.

Sometimes, traditional AI background removal tools are not able to handle intricate details in images like a photo of a model wearing a flowing dress or a product image showcasing a rug with soft edges. Similarly, with a furry toy, this is where Image Masking comes in. It is a process that separates the subject from the background, pixel by pixel, resulting in a clean and sharp final photo that stands out, perfect for fashion photography, e-commerce products, or your online store.

Why Choose EIE's Professional Masking Services for Hair & Clothing?

Hair and Product masking is a part of image masking that handles the most challenging scenarios to make sure that every strand of flyaway hair or fur in clothes is extracted carefully from the background. While ordinary background removal tools are available, hair masking requires a skilled touch.

At EIE, our team of photo editing professionals excels in all types of hair masking and background removal like model hair masking, where we precisely isolate hairstyles for a look, resulting in enhanced image quality for clean, sharp results with every edit.

Image Masking Services - Before Image Masking Services - After

Hair Masking Services - Before Hair Masking Services - After

Why Outsourcing Hair and Photo Masking is a Win-Win for Ecommerce Businesses

Hair masking in Photoshop is a time-taking, hair-pulling, tedious task, but it also produces stunning product imagery. By outsourcing this task to us you can focus on managing your business. Our skilled editors use professional tools, such as Photoshop, to create multiple masks, making sure that even the most challenging strands of hair are being extracted for a polished final image.

Our services are cost-effective, so you won't have to break the bank, and the result? Aesthetically pleasing online storefront that showcases your products in a way that has never been seen before.

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us for fast turnarounds and to know more about our Professional Hair Masking services in New York, San Francisco, Boston, Dallas, LA and Chicago, US.

Still not convinced? Take A Free Trial Now and see the results for yourself.

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22 Carnation Road
Monroe Township, NJ 08831-5335
United States
+1 212 729 5065


Ecommerce Image Editing is the largest image processing company in Asia servicing online retailers, graphic designers, and photo studios since 2001.